Trelander Cafe
2nd Saturday of the month
A community café with home made cakes, bacon butties, crafts, prayer and good company.

On the second Saturday of each month we run a café at a the Trelander Community Centre.
There are a variety of different activities for people of all ages and we always have lots of cake!
Trelander Community Centre
Trelander Highway Truro
2nd Saturday each month
11:00am to 1:00pm
Home made cakes, bacon butties, crafts, prayer and good company.
Everyone Welcome
Contact the church office form more information.
Toddler & Baby
Weekly during term times @ Chapel Hill
Booking essential as places are limited
- Wednesday mornings
- Wednesday afternoons
- Thursday mornings
Sessions full of activity, toys, outdoor play, craft, soft play, story time, music, friendship and refreshments. ...more
Dads and Kids
1st Saturday of the Month @ Chapel Hill
Drop in between
9.30 – 11.00am
(No Need to book)
This is a group for dads and male carers and their children (of all ages).
There is plenty for the children to do including craft, activities, games, and soft play as well as good coffee and bacon butties! ...more
The Lighthouse
3rd Saturday of the month @ Chapel Hill
9.30am for breakfast . . . finishing at 10.45am
(No need to book)
Christmas Lighthouse 14th Dec
The lighthouse is for family, grandparents and friends to come along together, it’s not just for the children! ...more
You are Welcome
Receive a genuine welcome
Our hope is that City Life is a church where everyone will be welcomed, loved and honoured, and feels able to belong. ...more
Ambitious for the Kingdom
Seeing like Jesus
For us all to have a vision for all things everywhere to be shaped and influenced by the crucified, resurrected and ascended Lord Jesus Christ and to be seeking to see that fulfilled. ...more
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |