Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Malachi 3
Jesus tells a story (a parable) about what the Kingdom of God is like. There were three servants who were entrusted with His wealth while he went away to another land. On His return he called the three servants in and asked them how they had used what he had given them. Two of the three had invested what they had been given, returning it to him with interest, while one had simply buried the money in the ground, only giving back to the boss what he had been given. The two who had invested were praised and rewarded, the one who had not was rejected.
In this parable Jesus is highlighting to his followers the importance of using what he has entrusted to us to advance His kingdom; to invest our time, talents, energy and our money. He is saying that when you give it’s like you are investing, or sowing, into the Kingdom of God, and as you do you will see God’s influence increase and grow (the floodgates of heaven will be opened), and if you don’t, this will be limited, even halted.

At City Life Church we encourage everyone to take this seriously by:
- Encouraging people to discover their gifts and use them, whatever they may be.
- Encouraging people to get involved in acts of service within the church and community.
- Highlighting that financial giving is part of our devotion to Christ and commitment to His Kingdom advance.
- Ensuring the focus of our energies and expenditure as a church always serves to build the Kingdom.
Join the team?
There are many different activities and outreaches that we are involved in as we seek to fulfil our vision to see the Kingdom of God influence every area of our lives, community and beyond.
All of these require the support of the people of City Life Church, and without it these events are limited in their impact or may even have to cease. We encourage everyone (and particularly our partners) to participate or support at least one of these events on a monthly basis.
The activities include:
Serving refreshments.
Support our youth, children’s and toddler work.
Worship Team
Welcome Team
Helping at Lanterns
Technical support on Sundays (training is provided)
Cleaning the church
Supporting Re-store (collecting / delivering furniture)
Visiting people
Befriending or serving at Trelander Café
If you would like to know more about serving in the Church and our community please speak to Matt or contact the Church office.
Ways you can give
‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’.
2 Corinthians 9:7
ARISE Partners
…. all things everywhere
As City Life Church Partners we commit to partner with God and one another to see God’s plan fulfilled in every person, in our immediate community and in the wider world. ...more

Fuel the Fire
An evening of equipping, training, encouragement and ministry for anyone who has any kind of oversight or leadership within the church or community.
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |