Prophetic Words
Some of the prophetic words spoken over City Life Church.
If you would like to know more about the prophetic and how you can get involved, please contact the church office.
….. while worshiping God showed me seven locks, and going up through the locks, and I felt what God would say to you …
“You have unblocked water, wells, the water level is rising. You are feeling encouragement in God that people are discipled and encouraged, and people are getting saved, and God says that is great, you are about a great work. But there are five more locks that God would say that you are going to go up in the next few years. And this is not just about the City Life Church or Truro, this is about a much bigger work of God. I believe there will be outpourings in your own life, you’re going to feel the level going up – but in the church as well. The church is here not just for itself, it’s here for a blessing for Truro, Cornwall and beyond.”
I feel you need to be really expectant as you preach, as you pray, as you come. I feel God’s encouragement to you is that this is not what it’s going to be like – the water level will keep rising and you are going to see people taken up, not because of your ingenuity or ability but by the power of the Holy Spirit – taken into new realms of power and release, some to abroad, to travel to other nations.
… but you are about a great work, and God says to be open to the prompting of the my Spirit. Do not feel like you have already arrived, but be ready for greater outpouring – Sunday by Sunday.
…. I believe there are five more locks for you to go up in before you get to clear ground.
Guy Miller 12th February 2012
“What I see is your church. I don’t see the building as I don’t know what it looks like but what I see is your church as a huge sail. I see a huge breath of God blowing into that sail.
The guys around this part of the world will understand wind surfing, you are in a bit of a mess if there is no wind. If you can’t move the sail to catch the wind you would just be calmed.
But this is not like a small craft, it’s massive. I have never seen a ship with a sail as big as I can see over your church. I can see God blowing into it.
There is a word that those here from Wales will understand for breath, it’s hoyle (word as it sounds, unsure of spelling), it’s the Welsh word for breath, it’s an energy and God says you have set your sail, you have done that for some time. You have examined it with your compass to some extent, you know to some degree your destination and you have set the sails, you have structured the stuff around, (a lot of the stuff I have been talking about today referring to what he was speaking about in his talk) digging ditches is making preparation.
You have done that and you have spent a lot of time doing that and God says it’s time for me to blow the breath out.” Amen
5th April 2009
A Resource Beacon
You are positioned significantly in the city of Truro
And to be used as a regional influencer
Others will look to you as a resource
You are a beacon of hope
Don’t strive to be this
You are not aware of how brightly you are burning in the darkness and others are looking on
Truro and surrounding area – hot bed for alternative spirituality
Lots of prayer required
Burn brightly and the darkness flees
Christopher Bird at City Life Church church weekend away,
15th February 2014
A dream from Rosie, one of our intercessors
I was sat in the back corner of the church building, next to Matt, our Pastor. We were waiting to see an important presentation by the children and young people, at the front of the building.
As we turned our attention to watch the children and young people, there was a curtain across the room the full height of the wall, obscuring all but a small corner on the left of our view.
I felt disappointed and frustrated not to be able to see what was going on, and no one moved to draw back the curtain for the few of us sat in that corner. Eventually I got up and drew back the curtain to the right. As I did, it was as if there was a window behind that was letting in really bright sunlight – too much to be able to see clearly, so I had to partially draw it back to shield the light from the window.
I sat back down and was distracted by something behind me – someone coming in late. But it was like a large open space like a garden behind me, instead of the church. There was a man approaching and a woman behind – the bright light was behind them. I realised it was my Dad walking towards me, followed by my Mum (both who died more than 10 years ago). I didn’t initially recognise them because they looked much younger and were free from infirmity.
We feel the following are significant themes from this dream:
– A promise of a clearer revelation of heaven on earth
– The important role of children and young people in the church
– The role of the intercessors to pull back the curtain dividing heaven and earth
Empowered by the Spirit
Living like Jesus
For us all to be knowing and growing in our awareness, experience, power and influence of the Holy Spirit, and what He wants to do in us and through us. ...more
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |