ARISE & Lead
As part of our ‘ARISE and Lead’ Emerging Leaders training we are offering our Internship Programme. This is a year of immersing yourself in many aspects of the life of City Life Church as you explore God’s call upon your life and grow in your walk with Jesus.
At City Life Church
we believe that God’s plan from the very beginning was to ‘fill all things everywhere with himself’ (Ephesians 1v22-23 & 4:10), that is to see every person, and every part of our community, culture and society, and the wider world, shaped by the life-giving impact of the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.
At City Life Church we are committed to partnering with God, and one another (as the church) to see this purpose that God has for His church fulfilled. We use the 5 core values of ARISE (see below) to help keep this purpose always before us.
The ARISE and Lead Interns will be part of the team at City Life Church, all of whom are tasked with leading and encouraging those they serve to take hold of this vision and join in the mission.
We seek to embrace, teach, model, and implement these core values in every area of our life together as a church. We also seek to encourage and equip every person linked to our church to individually take hold of this vision and mission in their day to day lives.
Joining the Intern Programme
To apply for an Intern year, please contact Matt Noble:
We will meet to discuss Internship, pray and seek God’s will and then, if we proceed, produce a tailored 12-month Intern training programme specific for you to cover and experience the Ministry Streams.
Aims of the Internship
Through practical experiences, teaching, personal study, training, mentoring and ‘stepping-in to give it a go!’ this Internship will be a year when God shapes and transforms your personal Christian life and your spheres of influence both now and beyond.
(Whether or not you intend to go into full-time ministry)
Ministry Streams
For the duration of the Internship, a programme will be tailored specifically for you to suit your, gifts, abilities and calling.
These will be linked with different Ministry Streams at City Life Church:
- Children, Youth and Families
- Students and Young People
- Community (Restore Project, Trelander café)
- Worship, AV and Welcome
- Prayer
- Whole Life Discipleship
- Administration, Communication and Operations
- Evangelism
Alongside the Ministry Streams you will . . .
- Attend the Emerging Leaders Course (one Saturday morning a month)
- Receive a recommended reading list
- Have a Mentor, outside of the Staff team
- Pastoral support and discipleship meetings with a Pastor
- Experience serving in different areas of City Life Church life
- Attend conferences and events
Weekly Format
The weekly format will include Sundays, (and possibly some Saturdays) and a further two or three days during the week. This may be a mix of daytime and evening commitments. Monday mornings will be an essential as you will be part of our team meeting on a Monday morning.
The Cost
Internship is an unpaid role, you are expected to support yourself during this year. Expenses incurred related to your Internship role will be covered, for example: resources, conferences, travel, etc.
About You
Internship can be a very significant year, giving God the opportunity to speak, guide, release giftings and callings. As well as seeing and experiencing ‘His Kingdom come’ in both City Life Church, the local community and further afield.
This year WILL change your life as you grow in your walk with Jesus.
We ask you to be:
- A committed Christian with a desire to see His Kingdom come
- Have God’s Word at the centre of your life and a desire to share the good news of Jesus
- Keen to learn, serve and gain experience in the local church context
- Be servant hearted with an eagerness to learn and willingness to serve
- Be in agreement with City Life Church Statement of Faith and ARISE principles
- Commit to be a Partner of City Life Church for the Internship year
- Comply with City Life Church Safeguarding guidelines
Joining the Intern Programme
To apply for an Intern year, please contact Matt Noble:
We will meet to discuss Internship, pray and seek God’s will and then, if we proceed, produce a tailored 12-month Intern training programme specific for you to cover and experience the Ministry Streams.
Download the course details
ARISE and Lead
Emerging Leaders Course
Embracing your Kingdom Calling!
This course is for both those who already have a leadership calling or for those who would like to explore what Kingdom leadership looks like ...more

Fuel The Fire
An evening of worship, equipping, training, encouragement and ministry for anyone who has any kind of oversight or leadership within the church or community.
Join the team?
We are blessed by a huge number of people who serve in the life of the Church and our Community, but we are always looking for more.
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |