Giving Financially
City Life Church is almost entirely funded by regular giving and by donations. The money that is given helps fulfill the vision of the Church to see God’s Kingdom advance through the many different activities and outreaches that we run within the church and wider community.
There are a number of ways in which you can give financially
By Bank Standing Order (BSO)
or by Bank Transfer paid directly into the church’s bank account:
Account Name: City Life Church
Sort Code: 20 87 94
Account No: 10894524

This is how the majority of the congregation choose to give and is the preferred method as it helps the church manage its finances month by month.
Using the Card Machine
You can use contactless or chip and pin on the card machine next to the Get Connected Desk.
Cash or Cheque
You can give cash or cheques via the collection box next to the main kitchen, by post or by hand to a member of staff.

Please Gift Aid if you can.
Gift Aid currently accounts for 15% of the Church’s income.
If you pay Income Tax, the government allows us to reclaim Gift Aid on your giving. We get back 25% of the money given by members who subscribe to the Gift Aid Scheme.
It is easy to subscribe by filling in the Gift Aid declaration form (Available from the Get Connected desk, or via the office)

Donate Online
You can also donate online by selecting what your donation is for from the list below, then follow the instructions.
Please remember to gift aid if you are able.
Join the team?
We are blessed by a huge number of people who serve in the life of the Church and our Community, but we are always looking for more. ...more
Homes Hopes Lives
Recycling and re-using your unwanted furniture.
Help those in need in our community to make a new start. ...more
ARISE Partners
…. all things everywhere
As City Life Church Partners we commit to partner with God and one another to see God’s plan fulfilled in every person, in our immediate community and in the wider world. ...more
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |