Get Connected
We want everyone in City Life Church to Get Connected with Jesus and grow in their relationship and walk with him. Whilst we encourage everyone to take personal responsibility for this, we also believe that it is important that we journey together with other Christians.
Get Connected
We want everyone in City Life Church to Get Connected with Jesus and grow in their relationship and walk with Him. Whilst we encourage everyone to take personal responsibility for this, we also believe that it is important that we journey together with other Christians.
Because we are all unique and our personal circumstances differ, we recognise that we may need to connect in different ways which is why we have a variety of groups meeting at different times and places during the week, month and year. Although each group will differ in style and approach they may include:
Time to connect – to get to know and care for one another (… it is the primary way in which we care for one another at City Life Church)
Time to reflect – to study, ask questions, and consider together what the Bible says.
Time to pray – a space to encounter God, pray and minister to one another and pray for our community, nation and world.
Time to encourage – spurring one another on to share Jesus in our everyday contexts.
If you would like to receive our weekly newsletter by email, which contains all the activities and general church news, please contact the church office.
We have a number of small groups that meet during the week as well as some other groups that meet less regularly.
Mondays Monthly
Are you in school years 1, 2, 3 or 4 and have BIG questions?
Do you want to DIG a bit deeper into what an awesome adventure with Jesus is all about?
Then DIG is for you!

Prayer for the Persecuted Church
First Monday of the month
7:00pm in the House of Prayer
Contact the church office for more details.
Come Together
To Pray
Fourth Mondays in The House of Prayer
Come together to pray for renewal, rival and an outpouring of God’s Spirit within our church and community.

Tuesday's during term time @ Chapel Hill
10am-12:30pm, Contact Chris 07597983562
Lanterns is a friendly Christian support group. It's designed to help your emotional and spiritual growth during life's difficult circumstances. We aim to help individuals explore the Christian faithin an informal setting with a simple gospel message; prayer, worship and time to discuss the bigger questions. We believe Jesus loves you and you have value and are not alone.

Fortnightly @ Chapel Hill
7:15pm in the Main Church
A group following on from Alpha to deepen our understanding and experience of the Christian faith.
Contact Lynda, Matt or the church office for more details.

Women's Group
Weekly @ Chapel Hill
7:00pm - 8:45pm in the Powerhouse Room
A group for women to connect with God together through Bible study and prayer. We will be starting with a study on ‘How to hear God’ by Pete Greig.
Contact Anna or the church office for more details.

Young Adults' Group
A group for young adults to connect with God together through Bible study and prayer.
Contact Hannah C, Matt or the church office for more details.

St Clements
Home Group
We aim to build closer relationships within the church family by praying and supporting each other. Along the way we hope to have fun and fellowship which often involves sharing cake and food!
Contact Sharon or the church office for more details.
Toddler & Baby
Weekly during term times @ Chapel Hill
Booking essential as places are limited
- Wednesday mornings
- Wednesday afternoons
- Thursday mornings
Sessions full of activity, toys, outdoor play, craft, soft play, story time, music, friendship and refreshments. ...more

Men's Group
6:30pm in the House of Prayer
A place for men to meet together to pray, care for one another, connect at a deeper level, build relationships and move on in their journey of faith.
Contact Ryan or the church office for more details.

Prayer Breakfast
Thursday Weekly
7.00am-8.00am on Zoom
Join us on Zoom for the whole hour, or just a few minuets, as we begin the day in prayer together.
Contact the church office for details

Small Group Meeting
7:30pm at City Life West
The Alpha Course meets at City Life West, Little Penstraze. Alpha is a series of group conversations that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith in an open, friendly environment. Everyone is welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited. Please contact the Church office for more details.

Home Group
7:30pm @ Barney & Mel's
Contact Barney, Mel or the church office for more details.

Exercise Class
11.00am in the main Church
All abilities catered for, cost £5.
Contact Janet or the church office for details.
Dads and Kids
1st Saturday of the Month @ Chapel Hill
Drop in between
9.30 – 11.00am
(No Need to book)
This is a group for dads and male carers and their children (of all ages).
There is plenty for the children to do including craft, activities, games, and soft play as well as good coffee and bacon butties! ...more
Trelander Cafe
2nd Saturday of the month (East)
A community café with home made cakes, bacon butties, crafts, prayer and good company. ...more
The Lighthouse
3rd Saturday of the month @ Chapel Hill
9.30am for breakfast . . . finishing at 10.45am
(No need to book)
Christmas Lighthouse 14th Dec
The lighthouse is for family, grandparents and friends to come along together, it’s not just for the children! ...more

Walking Group
Date and start time might vary for each walk but will be advertised in the weekly notices.
Contact Lin or the church office for details.
One Church
1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of the month
@ Chapel Hill
9:45am for coffee
Service begins 10:10am
City Life Church East, Central and West gather as one to encounter God’s presence and be inspired, challenged, encouraged and equipped for the days ahead. Each weekend has a slightly different format and focus.
City Life Church East
4th Sunday & 2nd Saturday of the month
@ Trelander
and through the week in the East of Truro
Gatherings and events at the Trelander & St Clement Community Hall. ...more

City Life Church Central
2nd & 4th Sunday of the month
@ Chapel Hill
9:45am for coffee
Service begins 10:10am
Gatherings and events at the Chapel Hill. ...more
2nd and 4th Sundays @ Chapel Hill
Groups for all children up to age 11 years
During the main service our children go to Powerhouse where they encourage each other to GROW in Jesus.
Games, challenges, Bible stories, reflections, encounter, music, snacks, drama, puppets, friendship, chatting to God and much, much ...more
Twice a month @ Chapel Hill
10am Youth AM age 11-14
5:30pm Youth PM age 14+
Dinner, activities, bible study, and prayer.

Evening Group
Runs alongside Youth PM group
5:30pm House of Prayer
Running alongside the Youth PM group for anyone who is available and wants to meet to explore the Bible and pray together, with a few social get togethers
mixed in.
Contact Hannah or the church office for details.
Groups that meet less frequently
Our Latest
Reading Plan
Our latest reading plan will often be the focus for our Sunday service, small groups and children’s and youth ministries.
Deep Rooted
Ladies Evening
We chat together as we share cheese and biscuits and a sweet treat, before we spend time worshipping and listening to guest speakers dig deeper into our theme.
Contact Lynda, Hannah, Anna or the church office for details.
12hrs of Worship
Twice Yearly
9.00am - 9.00pm in the Main Church
A day of worship and seeking God’s presence and heart, led by a variety of local worship leaders throughout the day.
Next date: TBA
Contact Hannah Clay or the church office for details. ...more
So What!
So What? Children’s Network Hub
Children’s Network Hub gathers several times a year over breakfast to inspire, equip and empower those who are involved with children and families through the local church.
Contact Lynda or the church office for details. ...more

Weekends Away
When possible we organise a weekend away for Men or Women and also a church family weekend for all. These are special times to connect with others in the church, to reflect, pray, study, hear from guest speakers and encourage each other.
Contact the church office for details.
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |