One Church
1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of the month
@ Chapel Hill
9:45am for coffee
Service begins 10:10am
City Life Church East, Central and West gather as one to encounter God’s presence and be inspired, challenged, encouraged and equipped for the days ahead. Each weekend has a slightly different format and focus.
City Life Church East
4th Sunday & 2nd Saturday of the month
@ Trelander
and through the week in the East of Truro
Gatherings and events at the Trelander & St Clement Community Hall. ...more

City Life Church Central
2nd & 4th Sunday of the month
@ Chapel Hill
9:45am for coffee
Service begins 10:10am
Gatherings and events at the Chapel Hill. ...more
The Lighthouse
3rd Saturday of the month @ Chapel Hill
9.30am for breakfast . . . finishing at 10.45am
(No need to book)
Christmas Lighthouse 14th Dec
The lighthouse is for family, grandparents and friends to come along together, it’s not just for the children! ...more

Tuesday's during term time @ Chapel Hill
10am-12:30pm, Contact Chris 07597983562
Lanterns is a friendly Christian support group. It's designed to help your emotional and spiritual growth during life's difficult circumstances. We aim to help individuals explore the Christian faithin an informal setting with a simple gospel message; prayer, worship and time to discuss the bigger questions. We believe Jesus loves you and you have value and are not alone.
Services Online
Services Online
Live Streamed
Watch some of our services live on Facebook
Watch again
Catch up or watch a service again on YouTube. ...more
2nd and 4th Sundays @ Chapel Hill
Groups for all children up to age 11 years
During the main service our children go to Powerhouse where they encourage each other to GROW in Jesus.
Games, challenges, Bible stories, reflections, encounter, music, snacks, drama, puppets, friendship, chatting to God and much, much ...more
Small Groups
Get Connected
We have a wide range of small groups that meet through the week.
Bible Study, Fellowship, Exercise, Walking etc. ...more

At City Life Church we believe that a key way of celebrating faith in Christ in our lives is through Baptism. We do this either in the church or down at the beach.
Empowered by the Spirit
Living like Jesus
For us all to be knowing and growing in our awareness, experience, power and influence of the Holy Spirit, and what He wants to do in us and through us. ...more
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |