by Paul Daley | May 19, 2019 | ListenAgain
19 May 2019 sermon (49 minutes)
by Paul Daley | May 12, 2019 | ListenAgain
12 May 2019 sermon (52 minutes)
by Paul Daley | Apr 28, 2019 | ListenAgain
28 April 2019 sermon (30 minutes) The songs today were: Lion and the lamb; Amazing grace; Living hope; Who you say I am; O come to the altar.
by Paul Daley | Apr 19, 2019 | ListenAgain
19 April 2019 sermon (32 minutes) House on a hill (YouTube) The songs today were: When I survey; House on a hill; Jesus what a saviour; O come to the altar; Reckless love and Amazing grace.
by Paul Daley | Apr 7, 2019 | ListenAgain
Unfortunately the sermon was not recorded this week. 7 April 2019 slides Corrie Ten Boom YouTube Video The songs today were: You’re beautiful; Great things; Mighty to save; Come as you are; O come to the altar; No longer slaves.