News and Events

This September we are going to be setting time aside to fast and pray together for 21 Days.

These times can be so significant for us personally and as a church, so we want to encourage you to start to think about and plan, how you can participate in this.

Here are the events that we are including as part of this important time:

Sunday 1st September 9.00am—9.00pm
12 Hours of Worship launching our time of prayer and fasting.

Saturday 7th September from 2.00pm—4.00pm
City wide prayer walk.

Saturday 14th September 10.00pm—10.00am
Night watch in the ‘House of Prayer’.

Saturday 21st September 9.30am
‘The Lighthouse’ for families, grandparents, friends and children to come together for breakfast, games, fun, creativity, music, Bible stories unpacked, prayer and reflection time.

Saturday 21st September 5.00pm
‘Breaking the Fast’ meal, celebration and time to hear from one another.

Online every Monday and Thursday @ 7.00am
Prayer and Bible reading. (See more details below)

Ezra & Nehemiah Reading Plan

Worship, prayer and fasting

Ezra and Nehemiah give us a wonderful account of a crucial period in the history of God’s chosen people. As a result of their disobedience and rebellion against God, they had found themselves living in Babylon, in exile. It was a strange land to them, in which they had to toil under tyrannical masters with very di  erent beliefs and values to their own, and they were treated very badly. After 70 years, through a miraculous change of heart of the ruler Babylonian ruler, Cyrus, they were allowed to return to their beloved Jerusalem, to the land God had promised to them many many years before.

You can pick up a printed copy from the Get Connected desk in church, view or download a digital copy from our website here. We also have a library of previous reading plans that can be viewed or downloaded here.

The Influence Course

Your Journey Into God’s Heart For Good Governance

Sundays (monthly) at 5.30pm

The monthly Sunday evening group are working through the ‘Influence course’ – discovering a biblical understanding of God’s call for every one of us to be involved in the public square.

It’s not to late to join, for more information please contact the Church office
Visit The Influence Course website

Growbaby Truro

We provide good quality second-hand baby equipment and clothes for 0-5 year old’s for free.

Whether you have a baby on the way or already have a little one, you are so welcome at Growbaby. We have good quality second-hand baby equipment and clothes for 0-5 year olds.

Everything is free so please come and browse and take what you need for your family.

Free tea and coffee, changing facilities also on site. You don’t need a referral just come along.

Monday 10am -12noon during term time

Can be dropped off during School Term at City Life Church on:
Monday 1:00 – 2.30pm
Wednesday 12noon – 1:00pm
Thursday 12noon – 1:00pm

Contact the Church office for more details
or visit our facebook page Growbaby Truro at City Life Church



Arise and Lead

Emerging Leaders Course

Embracing your Kingdom Calling!

Leadership is unique to your calling and looks different for every leader, whether it’s in the church or community.  This course, through teaching, mentoring and practical application will equip and release you to lead and impact your sphere of Kingdom influence.

This course is for both those who already have a leadership calling or for those who would like to explore what Kingdom leadership looks like.

Click here for more information

Click here for videos from the course

Download the course details

Arise and Lead


Embracing your Kingdom Calling!

As part of our ‘ARISE and Lead’ Emerging Leaders training we are offering our Internship Programme.

This is a year of immersing yourself in many aspects of the life of City Life Church as you explore God’s call upon your life and grow in your walk with Jesus.

Click here for more information.

Download the details

Come and join our Youth Ministry Team

SWYM Youth trainee

Our Vision for Youth, and Children at City Life Church is that every young person and child has the possibility to hear, respond and personally experience and grow in the Gospel. It is our desire that City Life Church provides an environment for young people and children to be nurtured in their spirituality, to grow through personal faith and be released into their God-given potential.

This SWYM Trainee role is predominantly Youth focused. On occasions, there will be involvement in Children’s and Families Ministry.
Please visit the SWYM website for full details of the Trainee role and the SWYM programme.

Opportunities for Prayer

Prayer Tree

Please feel free to pray and meditate in quiet on the decking area at the front of the church where our Prayer Tree is growing.

Small Groups

Get Connected

We have a wide range of small groups that meet through the week.
Bible Study, Fellowship, Exercise, Walking etc. ...more


Join the team?

We are blessed by a huge number of people who serve in the life of the Church and our Community, but we are always looking for more. ...more



We seek to build

our church and our lives upon the five points of ARISE

Ambitious for the Kingdom
Restored Identity
Inside out Living
Servants of All
Empowered by the Spirit ...more

Contact us

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you. ...more

CITY LIFE CHURCH   Chapel Hill  |  Truro  |  Cornwall TR1 3BD  |  01872 241984  |

Chapel Hill | Truro
Cornwall TR1 3BD
01872 241984