About us

You are Welcome

Receive a genuine welcome

Our hope is that City Life is a church where everyone will be welcomed, loved and honoured, and feels able to belong. ...more


Let us know

Let us know a bit about you so we can keep in touch

If you are new to City Life Church please fill in a Get Connected card, you can pick one up from the Get Connected desk. We would also love to invite you to one of our regular welcome lunches. ...more


What we Believe

Statement of Faith

Filled with God’s love, it is our responsibility to share, display and declare the power and the impact of Jesus’s death and resurrection everywhere.

At City Life Church we believe that …more


Who's Who

Meet the team

Pastor, Assistant Pastors, Elders, Treasurer, Secretary, Trustees, Deacons. ...more



As a church we believe that prayer should

Be like a thread of gold that runs throughout the fabric of the whole church.
Figure as ‘a first resource not as a last resort’.
Underpin all our activity as a church, and be significant in our lives as followers of Jesus. ...more



We seek to build

our church and our lives upon the five points of ARISE

Ambitious for the Kingdom
Restored Identity
Inside out Living
Servants of All
Empowered by the Spirit ...more

ARISE Partners

…. all things everywhere

As City Life Church Partners we commit to partner with God and one another to see God’s plan fulfilled in every person, in our immediate community and in the wider world. ...more


Meet the team

At City Life Church there are a whole number of people who have leadership and oversight of different areas of our life together as a church. ...more



Join the team?

We are blessed by a huge number of people who serve in the life of the Church and our Community, but we are always looking for more. ...more



Ways you can give

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver’.
2 Corinthians 9:7



Homes Hopes Lives

Recycling and re-using your unwanted furniture.
Help those in need in our community to make a new start. ...more


Evangelical Alliance Members

Evangelical Alliance

The Evangelical Alliance is made up of hundreds of organisations, thousands of churches, and tens of thousands of individuals. Together we’re making Jesus known.


Baptist Union


We're Hiring

We have a number of paid positions within the Church in addition to a large number of roles filled by a huge number of volunteers. ...more


Church Policies & Safeguarding

We have a number of Church Policies under which the church operates, in order to comply with legal requirements and best practices and as recommended by the Baptist Union of Great Britain. ...more

Contact us

Get in touch

We'd love to hear from you. ...more

CITY LIFE CHURCH   Chapel Hill  |  Truro  |  Cornwall TR1 3BD  |  01872 241984  |  office@citylifechurch.co.uk

Chapel Hill | Truro
Cornwall TR1 3BD
01872 241984