City Life Church East
We’ve been running the Trelander Café in the Trelander and St. Clement Community Centre for the last 10 years. And now we’ve started a relaxed Sunday evening event too.
2nd Saturday of the month
Trelander Cafe
Trelander & St Clement Community Hall
11:00am to 1:00pm
A community café with home made cakes, bacon butties, crafts, prayer and good company.
On the second Saturday of each month we run a café at the Trelander & St Clement Community Hall.
There is a variety of different activities for people of all ages and we always have lots of cake!
Everyone Welcome

4th Sunday of the month
Trelander & St Clement Community Hall
Come along to the Trelander & St Clement Community Hall to hear about what Jesus has to say about life in a relaxed and friendly environment.
There will also be creative activities for all ages, Christian worship music, discussion, prayer and a food. You don’t have to be a Christian to come along and all ages are welcome.
Everyone Welcome
Meet the team…

Hannah and Mark
We’re Hannah and Mark
We have lived on the Trelander estate and been part of City Life Church for over 20 years. We help run the community café on the second Saturday. You may have seen Mark repairing an old MG Midget car that is parked up on our drive and Hannah walks nearly everywhere so you might have seen her stomping up and down the hill.
We believe God is good and loving and has shown us what he’s like through Jesus. We believe Jesus is real and alive (although not around in the flesh anymore) and wants to be in a relationship with each one of us. We believe that relationship can make a difference to your family, work, community, environment . . . in fact everything! And we’d love to get to know you more and to show you a bit more of who Jesus is.

Michelle and Steve
We’re Michelle and Steve
We live locally with Steve’s mum June and have two lovely cats and we are part of City Life Church, Truro
We enjoy coming along and helping at Trelander Café chatting and making friends with the local community who pop along each month. We both work in the local community, Steve as a debt coach and Michelle with bookings at the Moresk Centre. We also volunteer at Lanterns group at City Life Central which is a support group and part of Christians Against Poverty. Previously in Essex we ran cafe-style church and shared with people about the good news of Jesus. Our desire is to see people’s lives transformed by an encounter with Jesus Christ. We look forward to seeing you at City Life Church East.

Suzi and Chris
We’re Suzi and Chris
We live locally and are part of the City Life Church team. We’re both employed by City Life – Chris is the Pastoral Assistant and Suzi is an Administrator. We both became Christians over 20 years ago. Our stories are very different, but we both have the same truth to tell – that Jesus is very real and just waiting for us to call upon Him.
You may have previously seen Chris out and about on the streets of Truro sharing his faith, or have received an item from the Re-Store Project at the Trelander Café. You may also have seen Suzi occasionally out on the streets of Truro or at the Royal Cornwall Show sharing her faith.
It’s on our hearts to help the local community, as we see the effects that the current Cost of Living Crisis is having on folks. We know that no matter what you’re going through, having a faith in Jesus makes all the difference – and to know that at the heart of the Christian message, that everyone has value and is so precious to God.
Homes Hopes Lives
Recycling and re-using your unwanted furniture.
Help those in need in our community to make a new start. ...more
Growbaby Truro
Providing quality clothing and equipment for babies and children
and other support based on local needs
We provide good quality second-hand baby equipment and clothes for 0-5 year old's for free.

Prayer Request
Requesting Prayer
Confidential prayer requests can be placed in the box in the church lounge, alternatively you can email or right to us. ...more
CITY LIFE CHURCH Chapel Hill | Truro | Cornwall TR1 3BD | 01872 241984 |